Saturday, October 6, 2012

The elderly and beautiful in India


Directed by John Madden
Written by Ol Parker

     Seven British retirees travel and basically relocate to India to continue and restart their lives in John Madden's The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. The film consists of some of the best in British actors, including Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson, which are moving on with their lives to India, Jaipur to be exact, for various reasons. Some are for financial reasons, others for lost love and love hoped for, and also for quicker and cheaper surgeries. The film directed with experience and grace by John Madden, is a delightful look at aging and the ability seniors have at adapting and changing their hearts and views. No matter how old we are or where we are at in our life it is never too late be happy and enjoy what life as to offer. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel brings to life the lives of these British travelers and represents an attempt at fulfillment and excitement as life goes on.
     The cast is perfect. They are veterans of British theatre and film and exemplify the quality of there skills throughout the film. These actors are some of the cream of the crop of a long line of talented and exceptional British actors. Maggie Smith plays woman in need of a hip replacement but doesn't want to wait six months for surgery in England and she is not to accepting woman of non-British food and people. The Ainslie's, a couple played by Bill Nighy and Penelope Wilton who do not want to retire into a small retirement community after a failed investment into their daughters Internet company and are coming to grips with their own relationship. Tom Wilkinson plays a judge that is seeking an old acquaintance and Judi Dench is a widowed housewife looking for a job and to see the world in a new light and understanding. There is also Celia Imrie and Ronald Pickup who are looking for a reinvigorated love life as well as not accepting that that love life is over or slowed down. They all converge at the hotel of the same name as the film, run by Sonny Kapoor, played by Dev Patel, who is desperately and ambitiously attempting to remodel the hotel into the images on the brochures the Brits saw before they left England and has his own love problems. The brochures show a fashionable hotel that is nothing like the falling apart one that is in India at the time of their arrival.
     The film is so beautiful in its depiction of these various lives, since it shows that growth and understanding doesn't just stop with age. We always have to be able to adapt to a changing world and it is enjoyable to see these individuals learning how to blog and make posts, but also grow away from cynicism and in one character, bigotry and xenophobia. Our lives grow older but the world around us is wild, crazy, full of excitement and chances, and is always evolving. The film shows these different people learning to accept these changes, but also face them head on, even if it is unexpected. India is a beautiful location for these changes to be confronted with in that its a country full of life, color, noise and spirituality. The country is a character on its own and represents a place where you can't just hide away from life and its beauty and history. Life is a struggle and its not always going to go the way you want it to, but you have to fight for your happiness and strive for enjoyment and fulfillment at all times, no matter where you are in life and especially no matter how old you are.
     The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel on its surface appears to be a movie for specific demographic, but is fully accessible for anyone. The film is about life and the changes that go along with it. The film is heartwarming and full of humor that makes it an enjoyable experience. It's odd for all of these people to end up in India at the same place, on the same day, but the beauty of the film lives in its grace and concrete understanding of life being a journey that never stops and is always winding down different paths that challenge us and aid in our growth as human beings.


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